Monday, June 17, 2013

30+ DRC 380

So it's been several weeks since my last post.

Here's what I've got:

As previously mentioned in my last post, we took a fitness test. We had a pretty good warm-up that was about 20 minutes long doing a bunch of weird jogs and stuff. A lot of it reminded me of the Ministry of Silly Walks:

Once that was done, we began the test. I ran my mile in 8:09. I probably could've pushed it and had a better time, but in hindsight I'm glad I didn't. After the test we thought we were done. Nope. The beginners got to go stretch out and stuff, while intermediates and advanced got to run another mile at 80% effort. In other words our expected half marathon time.

Our HM pace was calculated by adding 90 seconds to our mile time. So for me, it was about a 9:40 pace. That second mile was very comfortable. We ended with a cooling off lap and stretches and then home.

Next day was just a simple mile and the day after was another track workout. This time we did a 3 lap warmup and then the MOSW stuff followed by the main workout.

Now here's the thing, we were supposed to be running 12X400 at HM pace with a 200m jog in between each 400. Unfortunately I have a group that's very competitive and push that envelope HARD! Each lap was being run at about 2:10. That's an 8:40 mile! The first mile was okay, I started falling behind after our 6th turn. I was finishing about 5 to 10 seconds behind most of the group. Luckily, I wasn't the only one.

Next day I took another short mile and it was SLOW! It was supposed to be slow, but at marathon pace. I was like forget that. I just pushing this mile out. Same with the day after. Just a mile.

My second group run had me a bit nervous, but excited. It was going to be hill work. At first, I understood the email to be that we were to run half the distance of our previous long run. I misread the email. We were expected to run 1 to 2 miles less. So either 6 or 7 miles for me. I opted for 6 because Coach Z really wanted us to power up the hills. I ended up with 6 miles at a 10:48 pace. I was tore up, but happy that I did that well for this run. I got lazy in the last half mile and walked a lot of it. Okay, not lazy. The wall kicked me in my hips. Very difficult to keep running.

The next group meeting was a workshop on nutrition. Same old stuff about what one needs to properly fuel. Then we had another group run. Went with my crazy group and again, did they push hard! I ran my fastest time for 4 miles ever, 9:26 pace!

We had more track workouts, but I didn't do too well. I was able to keep up for the most part? But I kept lagging behind the crazy ladies.

Before our latest long run this past weekend, I was worried. My IT band started acting up in like the first time EVER. But come Saturday morning, it wasn't an issue and again I had another milestone moment.

8 miles @ 9:57 min/mile pace!

HOLY CRAP! This training shit really works!

I probably should've hit the beach after to ice up the legs because the last couple of days have been painful. I did okay on our fartleks tonight, but I probably would've done better had I jumped on the ocean after the long run on Saturday.

Hindsight is always 20/20.

Looking forward to continuing this training for the rest of this program. I can only get better.


too sore to check. run smiley :)

Monday, June 03, 2013

30+ Daily Run Challenge Day 365!!!

One muther-flubbin year people! I am so close to completing one year!

In my last post I mentioned that I won a contest for the Salinas Valley Half Marathon Race and training sessions. Since I had already registered, I had a race to give away. The only one who took me up on the offer was my brother. But the next day he was hemmin' and hawin' cause he doesn't want to "lose mass". He's bulking up. He's running it though, cause he already registered.

I kept the training program because the coach that runs it is really good. Besides, all my friends/family are lazy bastards. Okay, not totally true. Just kinda, relatively accurate. And I'm the one that won it dammit! I'm keeping it!

The first session was a "workshop" at the Y. So after work I headed straight over there and thought I was gonna be early. NOPE. There were promotion ceremonies all over the city and one was going on at the high school where I had intended to park. Finding parking at the Y is a nightmare and the school parking lot is only a block away. No parking available. I ended up parking about 3 blocks away, so still not too bad. Just made it with a couple of minutes to spare. But because of the parking situation, they started 30 minutes later -_-

The session was about what to expect, some shoe discussion and how/why to achieve our goals for the half. then we were informed of our first group long run that was to be at Monterey. It was to start near Fisherman's Wharf by London Bridge Pub. It's an area I'm really familiar with as I bicycled through it a LOT! Relatively flat with some nice long hills to climb.

After everyone had their questions answered we were supposed to go for a run. Umm, I didn't know about that last part. I was still in jeans. It's a good thing that I had already had my run earlier in the day. I went and thanked Stephanie, the race director of the SVHM (who also completed the Boston Marathon this year) for offering up the contest.

So . . . during this time, I've been almost excruciatingly sore. My hamstrings for the most part. It was like crossfit: day one all over again. It was because I started working out again, but with a 45 pound barbell included on my squats. You think, "45 pounds? No problem!"

It was a problem. But it's something I must include if I want to improve my distance running comfort. That Thursday and Friday were a bit painful for the runs even with a little warmup. It took about a quarter mile to get comfortable. Friday's single mile took me 11 minutes! I was dreading Saturday morning.

Saturday morning shows up and I am beat. I wanted to sleep in, but I had to get to Monterey still. That early on a Saturday and traffic isn't too bad for the most part . . . unless there's some event going on. Luckily, nothing crazy big. I had planned to stop by somewhere for coffee, but when I woke up again (yup, fell asleep again) I had just enough time for two of the three "S's" (no shave) and the drive. I was going to run coffee free. Sucks to be me. I got there at 5 til 8 found some decent parking. hobbled over to the group and waited . . . and waited . . . and waited.

The coach finally told us what landmarks to look for on the distances we wanted to run and gave us our pep talk and sent us on our way. I started out stiff and I got quite a few questions regarding my VFF Bikila LS's I was running with.

Now, it's been a while since I ran and talked. As a matter of fact, I was never EVER comfortable with it. I'd be gasping for breath trying to finish my thoughts. Sometimes I was able to verbalize said thoughts. Saturday was another matter entirely. I was holding a comfortable conversation as I was running. And I didn't even realize it until after I got home and mentally went through my run!

I was trying to convince others to drink the Kool-Aid and failing miserably. At least that's what I took away from it. There were several eyebrows raised when they saw me at the finish. Walking comfortably and actually sprinting the last few yards just for shitz'n'gigglez.

As usual though, the first four miles were great. The next two I was beginning to feel it and the last two I was fighting mentally. I was trying to relax and having to focus on that. My shoulders were getting tight and knotting up on me. It was hard, but I did it . . . again. Even with all those long hills, I felt good.

After I crossed the finish, the coach recommended that I take a dip in the "natures ice bath". I was skeptical, but it wouldn't hurt to try it out. It was fuggin' COLD! I stayed in for about 10 minutes because I quickly got used to it. I rushed into it once I got my feet in because if I didn't I wasn't going any deeper. I got up to my belly cause once you get to the nads, it's difficult to get any further.

I will now begin convincing people to start making their own ice baths. I have never felt better after a long run like that, EVER! That shit is awesome. Usually my knees would ache a bit after and other muscles and joints would be stiff. I was good the rest of the day AND the day after!

Ice baths = Post-Run awesomeness!

Tonight we have a fitness test. I'm pretty sure we'll be going through some warm-up before and then we'll have the test. It's just to see how fast one can run a mile. Based off that, you get an idea of what to expect from the training and what time you should see at the race.

So for DAY 365 of my Daily Run Challenge, I'm testing. What a way to finish a year. I'm still going to continue with this running-everyday thing though. I don't want to lose what I've gained.

Here's to many more miles!


too excited to check! run smiley :)