Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Birthday Massacre . . . Kick Ass!!!

So as I'm having to fill in for one of my vacationing employees, I've got the computer free and I decide to load up It's a pretty nifty music website that kinda streams music (to your hard drive, not RAM) of a whatever style of music you feel like listening to (ie: type in a band you like, similar music plays).

Anyway to the point of the title . . . so I load up Pandora and there is nothing on my list that I really feel like listening to, so I type in Voices Carry by Til Tuesday. One song loads up and it ok, and few more play until it hits Nevermind by Birthday Massacre. Wow, I thought it was a band from the 80's, but I'd never heard of them.

They're not. They formed in this century as Imagica for a few years, had a change in members between then and The Birthday Massacre and BAM! Badass music.

This happened this afternoon and I've already ordered the Violet album and I'm on the hunt for the Nothing Nowhere album.

Check out the following website, it has a couple of clips from Violet. Let me know what you think!

Oh, and the clips don't really do the music justice. The other songs I heard really do sound like they're from the 80's! The clips aren't bad though.

Metropolis Records: The Birthday Massacre


I feel dated now . . . <: (

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