You can throw my three week plan out the window. I've gotta wait till I've learned a little more welding in the damn class!!!
Formerly of experiences of Ubuntu n00bism. Now random postings on learning barefoot form.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Friday, July 22, 2005
Gotta do it.
This weekend I'll be heading over to the local big-box home-supply store to purchase a few items that I'll need to begin my bike project. I've got my little Lincoln MIG welder already so all I need are the parts for the bike.

Of those parts for the bike, I already have the "front" forks and the "rear forks". If you look at the picture of the bike, both of those parts are reversed. The reasoning behind this is that it'll keep from having to run a chain Aaaalllll the way back the rear wheel. If not done right, it can be a mechanical nightmare.
So like I said, big-box store for lots of metal and a couple of tools I don't have yet. Thank goodness for credit cards and no interest for a whole year (it's one of their newer promotions)! I may have to scrounge around a local metal shop to get those parts. I think I have a friend who may be able to get a hold of some of the metal I'll need.
This first bike is going to be pretty expensive. But if I play my cards right and this bike is successful, I could make a little business out of it. I've already come up with a couple of designs that could work for the local kids. And those call just for some bike frames that can be picked up at a dump for cheap, almost nothing.
This could be the start of a new career! Ok, maybe not that far . . . but in these times, a little more gas money!
I can't wait!

Of those parts for the bike, I already have the "front" forks and the "rear forks". If you look at the picture of the bike, both of those parts are reversed. The reasoning behind this is that it'll keep from having to run a chain Aaaalllll the way back the rear wheel. If not done right, it can be a mechanical nightmare.
So like I said, big-box store for lots of metal and a couple of tools I don't have yet. Thank goodness for credit cards and no interest for a whole year (it's one of their newer promotions)! I may have to scrounge around a local metal shop to get those parts. I think I have a friend who may be able to get a hold of some of the metal I'll need.
This first bike is going to be pretty expensive. But if I play my cards right and this bike is successful, I could make a little business out of it. I've already come up with a couple of designs that could work for the local kids. And those call just for some bike frames that can be picked up at a dump for cheap, almost nothing.
This could be the start of a new career! Ok, maybe not that far . . . but in these times, a little more gas money!
I can't wait!
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Sorry, I'm a zombie right now. I've been up since five in the morning yesterday, with only a two-hour nap in between today and yesterday.
Let me explain . . .
I while back I had promised a cousin of mine I'd drive her to the Oakland airport today. Her plane was scheduled for a 6am flight, but she wanted to beat all the people and traffic, so we left at 1:45am!
I had let my boss know last week that I would probably not even show up today because I needed to sign up for a class, aside from the early morning trip. It was all well and good . . . until Monday.
Mondays always suck, this Monday was exceptionally sucky. We had a bunch of visitors from all over the country, all somehow tied to the company in one form or another, here at the lab. That wasn't so bad, what was bad was that I NOW had to be here early in the morning Wednesday (today) to provide a tour for some potential client interested in how we analyze . . . shit.
No, no. Don't get me wrong, that's the technical term we use to refer to compost. Ok, not really. I'm just a little upset . . . and tired . . . and mentally gone from all the questions slung at me to keep me on my toes. I tell ya, those guys knew something was up. I've had visitors before and none of them were asking such technical questions. THOSE BASTARDS WERE INTENTIONALLY . . . TRYING . . . TO TRIP ME UP!!!!!!!!
But they all suck and I shot down all their questions from the hip.
Gotta go. I still need to get to Hartnell and sign up for that welding class.
Oh! And I received that "F'Lowroller Cookbook" from Mr. Horn. Wow. He really put his love behind that instruction manual. Great instructions, excellent pictures, all bound together in a nice package! This is gonna be a fun project!
Let me explain . . .
I while back I had promised a cousin of mine I'd drive her to the Oakland airport today. Her plane was scheduled for a 6am flight, but she wanted to beat all the people and traffic, so we left at 1:45am!
I had let my boss know last week that I would probably not even show up today because I needed to sign up for a class, aside from the early morning trip. It was all well and good . . . until Monday.
Mondays always suck, this Monday was exceptionally sucky. We had a bunch of visitors from all over the country, all somehow tied to the company in one form or another, here at the lab. That wasn't so bad, what was bad was that I NOW had to be here early in the morning Wednesday (today) to provide a tour for some potential client interested in how we analyze . . . shit.
No, no. Don't get me wrong, that's the technical term we use to refer to compost. Ok, not really. I'm just a little upset . . . and tired . . . and mentally gone from all the questions slung at me to keep me on my toes. I tell ya, those guys knew something was up. I've had visitors before and none of them were asking such technical questions. THOSE BASTARDS WERE INTENTIONALLY . . . TRYING . . . TO TRIP ME UP!!!!!!!!
But they all suck and I shot down all their questions from the hip.
Gotta go. I still need to get to Hartnell and sign up for that welding class.
Oh! And I received that "F'Lowroller Cookbook" from Mr. Horn. Wow. He really put his love behind that instruction manual. Great instructions, excellent pictures, all bound together in a nice package! This is gonna be a fun project!
Monday, July 18, 2005
Have to bring it up again.
This morning was turning out to be pretty bad. All work related crap that wouldn't interest the common mushroom consumer (I work for an mushroom research facility). Suffice to say that I needed a pick me up.
A while back, I read one a blog from one of my old friends who still lives in Phoenix. He had found a blog called Stuck in Rehab with Pat O'Brien. It's one of those blogs that once you start reading, you'll be chuckling like an idiot throughout.
I decided to revisit the blog and find out if it could still pick me up.
I'll tell you what, I feel much better. And sure enough, I was still chuckling all the way through.
When you open the blog, scroll all the way to the last post and begin reading.
If you don't find it funny, you gotta see a shrink!
I know I should!!!
A while back, I read one a blog from one of my old friends who still lives in Phoenix. He had found a blog called Stuck in Rehab with Pat O'Brien. It's one of those blogs that once you start reading, you'll be chuckling like an idiot throughout.
I decided to revisit the blog and find out if it could still pick me up.
I'll tell you what, I feel much better. And sure enough, I was still chuckling all the way through.
When you open the blog, scroll all the way to the last post and begin reading.
If you don't find it funny, you gotta see a shrink!
I know I should!!!
Sunday, July 17, 2005
I just got an e-mail from Mr. Horn letting me know the book is on the way. I really can't wait to start building the bike. I've got registration at the local community college this Wednesday to sign up for the welding class.
I've had my welder for the last year and I haven't really used it. It's still brand new. I was Billy-Badass when I was in high school, but high school was over 13 years ago. I haven't touched a welder since then. I know better than to play with a machine capable of vaporizing metal. I remember the basics, but I wanna be safe. What's the use of building the damn bike if I can't ride it?!!
I've had my welder for the last year and I haven't really used it. It's still brand new. I was Billy-Badass when I was in high school, but high school was over 13 years ago. I haven't touched a welder since then. I know better than to play with a machine capable of vaporizing metal. I remember the basics, but I wanna be safe. What's the use of building the damn bike if I can't ride it?!!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Patty, I reposted in less than five.
A little boy walks into his parents' room to see his mom on top of his dad bouncing up and down. The mom sees her son and quickly dismounts, worried about what her son has seen, she dresses quickly and goes to find him.
The son sees his mom and asks, "What were you and Dad doing?"
The mother replies "Well you know your dad has a big tummy and sometimes I have to get on top of it to help flatten it."
"You're wasting your time, " said the boy.
"Why is that?" asked his mom, puzzled.
"Well when you go shopping the lady next door comes over and gets on her knees and blows it right back up."
I'll have to post some of the others I've heard.
The son sees his mom and asks, "What were you and Dad doing?"
The mother replies "Well you know your dad has a big tummy and sometimes I have to get on top of it to help flatten it."
"You're wasting your time, " said the boy.
"Why is that?" asked his mom, puzzled.
"Well when you go shopping the lady next door comes over and gets on her knees and blows it right back up."
I'll have to post some of the others I've heard.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
My New Bike!
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Here are the cats!!!
A while ago, a commentor on a blog I used to read (until she got fed up with posting new stuff) mentioned something along the lines of posting something to do with cats.
So . . . I was watching G4 tonight and they showcased a website I remember them showcasing once before. But the first time they showed it, I had no interest in it . . . UNTIL NOW!!!
The website is called Stuff On My Cat. Here is an assortment of pics from the site.

They don't realize she knows they're piglets . . . and breakfast!

This is for you OFFICE SPACE fans!

I used to love doing this . . . until it was done to me.

No Perplexio! This isn't that "Kitty Porn"!

And this is for that "awwwww" part of all our hearts.
G4, where would I be without you!
So . . . I was watching G4 tonight and they showcased a website I remember them showcasing once before. But the first time they showed it, I had no interest in it . . . UNTIL NOW!!!
The website is called Stuff On My Cat. Here is an assortment of pics from the site.

They don't realize she knows they're piglets . . . and breakfast!

This is for you OFFICE SPACE fans!

I used to love doing this . . . until it was done to me.

No Perplexio! This isn't that "Kitty Porn"!

And this is for that "awwwww" part of all our hearts.
G4, where would I be without you!
Monday, July 11, 2005
Twilight time.
I don't know what this means to anybody else, but I always refer to it as the time in your sleep cycle where you're between waking and sleeping.
Anyway, I always remember the most vivid dreams at this period. My favorites are the flying dreams.
This morning I was dreaming I was Superman.
Spying on the three "evil" geeks from Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
Now what the hell does that say about me!
Anyway, I always remember the most vivid dreams at this period. My favorites are the flying dreams.
This morning I was dreaming I was Superman.
Spying on the three "evil" geeks from Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
Now what the hell does that say about me!
Friday, July 08, 2005
. . . . . ?
Lately at work there has been word of the possibility of shutting down the MMI-Royal Oaks facility. This is the largest mushroom farm in North America. It's huge! But because of union squabbles and quality issues, 'shut down' has been on the mind of everyone.
I'm not sure, but I think I may be safe from that. If this facility does go down, the lab will probably be moved to San Juan Bautista. The lab may be on the farm, but we're not part of the farm. The lab belongs to Amycel/Spawnmate. If the lab doesn't make it, I've got other prospects. It shouldn't be too difficult to find a job with my qualifications.
I hope.
Target, here I come!
I'm not sure, but I think I may be safe from that. If this facility does go down, the lab will probably be moved to San Juan Bautista. The lab may be on the farm, but we're not part of the farm. The lab belongs to Amycel/Spawnmate. If the lab doesn't make it, I've got other prospects. It shouldn't be too difficult to find a job with my qualifications.
I hope.
Target, here I come!
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
I was gonna erase that last post, but Erin posted a comment on it before I had time to reread and dump it.
Darn you Erin!!
Well, here we are the day after Independence Day. And what did I do on my extended weekend?
I went to a flea market.
I went to Los Banos and had BBQ and beer with family.
I went to antique shops all over the place and polluted the air.
I had a BBQ at my place and had a few friends over and we had a blast.
I read a book.
And finished it the next day.
Goooood boook!
It was one of the books I found at that thrift shop I mentioned a while back. It was The Cabinet of Curiosites by Lincoln Child and Douglas Preston. It got me curious about cabinets of curiosities or wunderkammer. They were something where amateur collectors or even scientists would display their wares.
I thought they were real cabinets. At first they were, but later the items would be so big they wouldn't fit in a cabinet. Like say an Allosaurus skull. So these collectors would make displays and call them cabinets of curiosites.
Some of these collectors would charge a fee to check out their items. These were in a sense the first museums. P.T. Barnum had a cabinet. You may have heard of it. His cabinet/museum was so popular he had to find a way to get people out. So, he had a sign made that said "This way to the Egress". All the patrons would make a beeline to the Egress and find themselves outside with no way to get back in unless they paid admission again.
Barnum was credited with saying "there a sucker born every minute". According to the Ringling Brothers website, there is no proof that he ever said that.
But you gotta admit, the Egress is pretty funny!
This way to the Egress!
Darn you Erin!!
Well, here we are the day after Independence Day. And what did I do on my extended weekend?
I went to a flea market.
I went to Los Banos and had BBQ and beer with family.
I went to antique shops all over the place and polluted the air.
I had a BBQ at my place and had a few friends over and we had a blast.
I read a book.
And finished it the next day.
Goooood boook!
It was one of the books I found at that thrift shop I mentioned a while back. It was The Cabinet of Curiosites by Lincoln Child and Douglas Preston. It got me curious about cabinets of curiosities or wunderkammer. They were something where amateur collectors or even scientists would display their wares.
I thought they were real cabinets. At first they were, but later the items would be so big they wouldn't fit in a cabinet. Like say an Allosaurus skull. So these collectors would make displays and call them cabinets of curiosites.
Some of these collectors would charge a fee to check out their items. These were in a sense the first museums. P.T. Barnum had a cabinet. You may have heard of it. His cabinet/museum was so popular he had to find a way to get people out. So, he had a sign made that said "This way to the Egress". All the patrons would make a beeline to the Egress and find themselves outside with no way to get back in unless they paid admission again.
Barnum was credited with saying "there a sucker born every minute". According to the Ringling Brothers website, there is no proof that he ever said that.
But you gotta admit, the Egress is pretty funny!
This way to the Egress!
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