Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The Birthday Massacre . . . Kick Ass!!!

So as I'm having to fill in for one of my vacationing employees, I've got the computer free and I decide to load up It's a pretty nifty music website that kinda streams music (to your hard drive, not RAM) of a whatever style of music you feel like listening to (ie: type in a band you like, similar music plays).

Anyway to the point of the title . . . so I load up Pandora and there is nothing on my list that I really feel like listening to, so I type in Voices Carry by Til Tuesday. One song loads up and it ok, and few more play until it hits Nevermind by Birthday Massacre. Wow, I thought it was a band from the 80's, but I'd never heard of them.

They're not. They formed in this century as Imagica for a few years, had a change in members between then and The Birthday Massacre and BAM! Badass music.

This happened this afternoon and I've already ordered the Violet album and I'm on the hunt for the Nothing Nowhere album.

Check out the following website, it has a couple of clips from Violet. Let me know what you think!

Oh, and the clips don't really do the music justice. The other songs I heard really do sound like they're from the 80's! The clips aren't bad though.

Metropolis Records: The Birthday Massacre


I feel dated now . . . <: (

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Stolen: Meme #15

I've stolen another meme from Erin. Thank you Erin!

Meme #15

Would you rather:

Have a head that looks like a lollipop OR hands that are three times their normal size? Hands! Imagine the possibilities. It's just more likely you'll get caught!
Have sweat that smells like bacon OR like a flowery air freshener?
Hm. Tough one. I'd have to go with the air freshener
Tell your deepest sexual desire to a complete stranger once a day OR clap your hands in a highschool cheerleader style everytime somebody says "OK"?
Clap, and I'd move to Zimbabwe or something.
Dress like elvis at formal functions OR dance like him?
Too easy, I'd dress like Elvis. He had his moments of lucidity.

And to end on a lighter note . . . after two years, we finally received our raises! Woo hoo!!!


Friday, November 11, 2005

Yes, I am a gamer . . .

. . . and I found something I thought was funny seeing as how it applies to me. I don't really game online or anything, I mainly do the console thing (xbox, ps2, gamecube). Let me know what you think.

Here is the actual link to the site that has the article:

and here is the article:
29 no-nos for gamers over age 30

Posted Nov 11, 2005, 9:57 AM ET by Vladimir Cole
Related entries: Culture

The ESA says that the average gamer is 30 years old. It’s time that those of us who are 30 or older realize that some of the things we grew up doing as gamers are no longer really appropriate, cool, or kosher given our new demographic bucket. Here, then, is a helpful guide to 28 things a gamer should never do past the age of 30.

1. Participate in LAN parties with minors
2. Quit your job to pursue a pro-gaming career
3. Start a Star Wars themed PC case mod in the living room
4. Ever use the jargon OMG, BBQ and WTF together in the same phrase
5. Pirate games - shouldn’t you have an income by now?
6. Find the idea of teamkilling funny
7. Choose a female avatar so that you can try to upskirt her
8. Refuse to play games that are rated lower than mature
9. Tea-bag a downed opponent in Halo 2
10. Play any game with Princess Toadstool in it
11. Choose a gamer handle including any form of the words “hell,” “killer,” “death,” or ”-inator”
12. Yell “pwnt” in a public virtual space
13. Play a female character in an MMOG in order to troll for “Crying Game” victims
14. Disconnect when losing at Starcraft or any other RTS
15. Ninja loot
16. Get your gaming news from a print publication
17. Replace the letter S with a dollar sign when writing Microsoft, Sony, or PlayStation
18. Live in your parents’ basement to support a gaming habit
19. Break mice in a fit of rage after being served in an FPS game
20. Try to win an argument in a gaming forum
21. Pretend that movies like Doom and Tomb Raider are anything but crap
22. Carry softcore anime porn on your PSP to show the guys at work
23. Hadoken someone as a greeting, complete with hand motions and sound effects
24. Play competitively against anyone under the age of 10
25. Read or write fanfiction
26. Yell or type, “Laggg” when losing an online game
27. Bogart the controller
28. Work at GameStop “just for the discount”
29. Type liek JeffK

Thursday, November 10, 2005

My version of Meme #13

I'm lazy (anything different?) and I'm gonna answer Erins Meme #13.

1. How many times a day do you wash your hands? Before I walk out of the restroom and everytime I mess around with mushrooms and mushroom related products. Pretty much means prun(e)y hands.
2. How often do you get the flu that's going around? Flu . . . been a couple years
3. How often are you really "sick" when you take a sick day? Whenever I'm "sick and tired" of work.
4. Who would you like to see in a cage match? Michael Moore and Rush Limbaugh
5. Name 3 things you absolutely love: Tesla (my car), Baby (matriarch of my chihuahuas), and an engrossing book.
6. If you had to give 2 of them up which would they be (and why)? Telsa and the book, because nobody puts Baby in the corner (sorry).
7. Name 3 things you absolutely loathe: Annoying dogs and night, annoying cats at night, and a really fucked up ending of what was a really good book (read Snowcrash, Neal Stephanson)!
8. What is your all time favorite memory EVER? You want me to think that far back?!
9. What is the one thing that happened in high school that would make you avoid your class reunion? This is a stupid question!
10. What is your dream job, no matter how untrained you might be or unrealistic and bizarre it might be? Being Alan Moore!

11. If you could write yourself into any tv show, which show and how would you do it? I'm gonna be a typical guy and say Las Vegas. I would be the only guy to make Sam Marquez (Vanessa Marcils' character) fall in love. God I'm such a dork!
12. If you could replace anyone on a tv show, who would you choose to replace on what show and why? The James Caan character (Ed Deline) on Las Vegas. Hey, he's a badass!