Thursday, December 29, 2011

Nuther non-Braille run

Two nights in a row with Knuckle Lights in tow . . . or held.


Anyway, I wasn't feeling it this time compared to the day before.  Tuesdays run was FANTASTIC!  Energy was through the roof!  I pushed the last half mile and ran like looter!  I wasn't really out of breath and I think I could've gone another 5 minutes at that pace.

Not quite the same thing for yesterdays run.  I started the run not really in the mood for it.  But I knew that once I was 5 minutes in, it would change and feel good.  And it did.  I wish I had the energy of the night before, but it was no big thing.  So I stopped a couple of times on the way back . . . so what?  I still finished the run in about 30 minutes.  An 11:15 pace.  I know it's slow, but you try being 5' 6" and 230 lbs and move that mass faster!

I'm not hurting like I usually do the next day.  Again!  This is weird.  I pretty much took a month off with only 3 or 4 runs in between and I'm not hurting?  Maybe I shouldn't complain and just take advantage of it.  Maybe MGBG is right and I've been over-training.  Not giving my body time to recover.

If I keep feeling this good though, I'm gonna continue.  I'm really considering going for a run tonight.

Screw it!  I'm doing it!


too lazy to check.  run smiley :)

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

So much for motivation . . .

So my post on motivation went NOWHERE!

I was hoping to psyche myself up with that, but it didn't help.  As you can see from my lack of posts since then, I've not done much.  I went through another routine with the 100 Pushups . . . and that was it.  I got up to the 3rd day of the first week and blargh'ed out.  I'm gonna start again on that day and continue on as if nothing stopped.  I don't think it'll matter how long it takes for me to get to 100, as long as I don't take a whole freakin' year.  But I'd like to accomplish it by February . . . March at the latest.

I did go for a run last night.  And I do mean last night.  I had to use my Knuckle-Lights.  It was COLD.  Well cold for Monterey County.  It was about 40 degrees, see-your-breath cold.  To help with the run, I used the Christmas gift my brother gave me.  It's a really cool pullover by Xersion.  I've never heard of the company, but it was wonderful for the run.  It vented well and kept me comfortable for the whole run.

I felt sooo comfortable, that I actually RAN (really ran) the last half mile of the 3 mile run.  I'm not hurting like I usually do the next day.  I think I'm going to go for another run tonight as well.  I'm feeling great, actually.

I can't wait!


too lazy to check.  run smiley :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

What is motivation?

Because I need some.

For the past two weeks I've not done any running whatsoever.  And I've gained almost 6 pounds. 


I want to run at work during lunch time, but I don't wanna be all stanky after the run.  I've got my Knuckle Lights, but my excuse in the evening is that it's too cold.  I'm finding excuses when I should think about what I've gained as far as my well-being.

I'm feeling lazy and tired and unmotivated.  I think I need some running pants.  Cause it's frickin' cold!  I like running at night, just not in the cold.  I love cold, but only because I can sleep like a bear when I'm in a cold room with warm comfortable blankets.  I'm gonna get some running pants tonight.  I need to run.

What I HAVE been doing instead of running is the 100-up drill and squats.  I've just passed the minor and I began the major last night.  Boy!  It does get the blood pumping when beginning the major!  I believe I did have correct form for the drill.  And I was only able to get to 76 majors before losing form.

And since I was still pumped up, I began doing pushups.  And to follow the theme, I did the initial test for Hundred Pushups. I'm at the cusp of level 2 and 3.  I'm gonna attempt level three tonight and if I finish it, I'm gonna stick with it.  If I can't hack, I drop to level two.  Either way, I'm gonna reach the 100 pushups dammit!

I figure if I'm not gonna run as much, I might as well incorporate some core and legs in there.  I'm gonna start doing lunges, burpees and kettlebells.  I'll let you know how it goes.


so lazy, i haven't written anything for a while.  run smiley :)

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Last night of November 2011 run :)

I had originally planned to go for a run by my lonesome right after work.  It didn't quite work out the way I thought it would:

I got a text from one of my cousins.  He used to be a major gym-rat.  Taking supplements and protein.  Had this whole workout regimen to hit certain parts of the body . . . then he hooked up with one of my friends sisters and he went downhill from there.  He's now a chubs like me.  Except he ain't doing anything to remedy the situation.  He keeps saying he's going to do something like get back to the gym (he still has a Golds Gym membership) or doing some sort of fitness regimen at home.  He asked if he could go for a run with me.  "Sure, meet me at the Toro trail from last time", I said.

I had several missed calls on my iPhone (yeah, I said iPhone! Wanna make something of it?!).  They were from the daughter and her mom.  Apparently the daughter hadn't planned for a ride after her cheer practice aaaand she forgot her house keys.  Ooops.  I sent a text to my cuz and let him know I was gonna be a bit late.  He responded that he too would be late.  I told him to meet me at 6:30 at the trail.

I pick up the daughter from her friends house.  She's hungry.  She didn't want anything at the house.  I offered Subway, she countered with Der Weinerschnitzel.  Ugh!  So we're driving back home after the pick-up with the odor of chili cheese dogs in the car.  Crap.  And I can't have anything like that until Sunday-cheat-day!

I drop her ass off at the house and I head out to the trail.  I get a text from the cuz saying he can't make it.  Whatev!  I needed the run sooo bad . . .

And it turned out to be the most comfortable run in a loooong time.  I wasn't flying down the trail, but everything seemed right.  I had my rhythm down, I was pressing down with my big toe, my head was up, the Knuckle Lights kept my arms to my side.  It wasn't perfect by any measure, but it certainly felt perfect.

Distance: 2.68 miles
Time: 28:46

Yeah.  When I run I'm gonna start writing down those stats.  I've already got them on Daily Mile and Fitocracy.  I don't know if you'll be able to see my Fitocracy profile, but if you'd like an invite ask in the comment below.


too lazy to check.  run smiley :)