As promised (though late), here are the unboxing pics:
Here's the box. They really do put A LOT of information on that label. It even had my phone number on it!

Hm, Malaysia . . .

The whole top . . .

Beginning the incision:

If the leaves were cubes, it'd be a 4th dimensional cube.

Opening the first inner box. That's allll you get.

Here's the all important second box containing the laptop proper:

Dell really makes sure it's yours!!!!

. . . and here are all the inner boxes and their stuff . . .

Pretty, ain't she?

Here's the bios load screen. It's a bit too glossy for my liking, but easy to work around it I guess.

And here's Dells' EULA:

. . . loading Ubuntu 8.04 / Hardy Heron.

The setup is pretty self-explanatory, even this part:

. . . and that's better!

Word of warning: If you order a Dell laptop, I think this cord is standard. I think I remember hearing that you can get a longer cord though.

Here we are at the login screen. After this is the password screen.

And here's the standard Dell/Ubuntu desktop.

And the homepage when you open Firefox.

And that's pretty much it! There were a few more photos, but I didn't think they were needed. I believe I may have bogged down enough of your system with this set.