I've kept up running during the week for about a total of 20 miles and another 7.5 miles on top of that for my long run on Sunday. I was going to do the long run with my NB Minimus Trails, but I've had this nagging bruise under one of my toes. So I tried using my Merrell Trail Gloves. For some reason the MTG's didn't push on that part of my foot, therefore no nagging pain on that spot. My guess is the rock plate that is just under that spot that keeps the front of my foot from touching down helps.
If you've read reviews on the MTG's you'll have heard that they have a sort of negative drop. In other words they are not true zero-drop shoes. The fore-foot is raised higher than the heel. Not by much (1mm) but if you're not mid/fore-foot striking, you will definitely feel it. I've been building up since January, and on that long run with the MTG's definitely gave my calf and achilles a work-out! I've been feeling it for the last week. But it was a fun run.
But this last week I finally bit the bullet and popped for the Vibram Fivefingers Speed. If you recall from a while back, they were the toe shoes that actually looked cool. I ordered them through REI online. Unfortunately the sizing that is listed on the Vibram site is wrong. According to the site I should have been wearing size 41 Speeds. They were wayyyyy to small! I took them back to the local REI in Marina and got a refund. I had received a call the week before the same day I ordered the Speeds. I ended up driving up to San Jose during my lunch to pick them up. They had 42's. Again they were too small. I asked if they could get them in 43's. They said their store in Palo Alto had them in several sizes. I left expecting their call in a couple of days. Along the way to the highway I decided to call up the store and let the sales-clerk know I was heading the Palo Alto store. It was only 20 more miles away. Screw it.
I get there and tried on the 42's which were still too small. I asked if I could try the 43's and 44's. The 43's were snug, but wearable. The 44's were too big I thought. So I walked out with the 43's. Now I'm thinking that they are too small. I did go for a run in them though and they were FANTASTIC!
But it was my first time running that long with toe-shoes so the inevitable happened. I worked different muscles which were hardly used which lead to soreness. I'm still feeling it today a several days later. I don't care though, it just soreness. Massage and ice are miracle workers to that problem.
Since I did buy the shoes at Footwear Ect, and they have a wonderful return policy (refund unworn within 30 days or exchange if worn) I asked them to order size 44's for me. They'll be giving me a call soon. But in the meantime, I decided to buy the VFF's I had originally intended buying before I found out about the Speeds.
The Vibram Fivefingers Bikila LS (LS = Lacing System)
As you can see they have a speed lacing system. They feel alright but I won't know how they do in a run until I go for a run tonight. I can already say that they do feel different. They're not as light as the Speeds, but then again the Speeds are more for fashion (though they are used for running by several barefooters). The Bikilas were made specifically for running. They have reflective areas around the shoe so you can get spotted a bit more easily if you run in the dark. I'm looking forward to that run. I'll post my impressions ASAP once I've got a couple of runs in. I'd like to try them for my long run on Sunday morning (~9 miles).
Andy by-the-by, I'm down 18 pounds from when I started my lifestyle change. I was at 251 pounds when I started and this morning I weighed in at 233 pounds. I've been floating around the lower 230's for a while now, but I think that is because of more muscle being built up. I've definitely felt my clothes be much looser than before. So much so that I had to buy new pants. I was wearing size 44 pant size. I went out and bought size 42 Levi's. I'm happy about that.
God willing, things will keep going this well. I'm still excited about running. Compared to last year, I'm doing much better motivation-wise. No shin splints, more energy because of the change in diet and running. This barefooting/4-Hour Body thing is the perfect match!
this is what this part of the alphabet would look like if Q and R were missing - Mitch Hedberg
and I'm too lazy to check grammar.