Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Rain, Rain . . . Go Away?!

It's a beautiful day in North Monterey County. The skies are cloudy and it's drizzling. Yesterday, there were downpours. There were flood warnings all over the radio. We even got an Emergency Broadcast warning about floods.

Usually there is a sandbar at the road I usually take to get home from where I work. Everytime I see it, I think I'm gonna get stuck. Tesla is short! All NB's are short! I'm always afraid I'm gonna get stuck on top of the damn sandbar. Thankfully, the sandbar hadn't built up enough to cause a problem.

Now, the reason I'm writing about the weather is because I actually look forward to rain. I've always been fascinated by it. I almost got fired from a job once because of it. It was years ago and I was working at Target and every time I would get to the front of the store, I would just stand there and watch the rain. Weird, huh?

So, back to the loving of the rain thing . . .
I've known people that get depressed because of inclement weather. It's been written about in journals and it's been on Oprah. So I'm pretty sure you know somebody like that (Hell, it might even be you!). Well, lately (last couple of days) I've been feeling down. I'm wondering if it's because of the weather? I haven't been as fascinated by the rain as usual. I miss the awesome feeling I get when watching the rain. It's peaceful and relaxing . . . and comforting.

You know, just writing that previous paragraph made me realize it's not the weather. I'm just getting sick! I'm thinking about it now and . . . I'm getting sick! It's such a subtle cold!

I'm taking tomorrow off and I'm gonna watch the rain!


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