Tuesday, January 15, 2013

30+ DRC 226

And another eventful week has passed . . .

More daughter issues that I don't really want to get into right now. Too depressing and it's something I must talk to her mom about. I've never had to deal with other people like this and I'm finding it difficult not to stress over someone I love so much practically bury herself in a massive depression.

And because I empathize with her, she's dragging me down into her pit as well . . . and she doesn't care.

Which is one of the main reasons I continue to run!

The running helps clear my mind and think about how I can help her get out of this funk. Unfortunately I haven't been able to find a remedy yet, but the run helps me relieve some of the pressure.

I've begun to incorporate some body weight exercises in hopes of improving my knee issue and also just to change things up a bit and get a bit stronger. And maybe by Spring, finally include some Crossfit into my runs.

I started last Monday . . . after my last emotional long post. The extra stuff after the run did relieve more of the pressure. I whip through them fairly quick. Again, to release the tension. The exercises are from the Fitocracy Quests. They are challenges that, for me, are doable.

The first one I did was the As Seen On TV Challenge
5 Push-ups
20 Body Weight Squats
20 Bicycles
100 Jumping Jacks
30 Second Plank
20 Kneeling Push-ups (cause I'm fat and have not an erg of upper body strength)
20 Body Weight Lunges
30 Crunches

That was a tuffy the first time. I started with the jumping jacks and my calves were burning!

The next one I did was Push The Earth:
20 Body Weight Lunges
30 Body Weight Squats
20 Kneeling Push-ups
10 Toyotas
5 Push-ups

I continued doing PTE the rest of the week, but I increase the lunges to 30, and the Toyotas to 20.

Last Thursday I increase my mileage to a minimum of 1.5 miles a day. I didn't want to have a repeat of the last time and totally aggravate my knee. So . . . baby steps. Literally. I've forced myself to take much smaller and quicker steps to protect from impact forces. And it has helped tremendously. I'm not hobbling on the runs anymore. Cool.

So I've included some exercises and increased my mileage a little. I'm just gonna go by ear and see if I can push the runs even more.

And I noticed yesterday that my run was a bit more comfortable than it was before I included the Quests.

Hopefully this upward trend continues.


I love you Chipmunk. Be strong.

too lazy. run smiley.

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