Wednesday, January 13, 2016

MAD 33 01/13/2016


You may know me from my other promises that I haven't been able to keep.

Well, I am here to tell you that I am not making any promises . . . maybe.

Okay, I am. But only to myself. I need to. I gained back the fluff I lost before my nearly year-long hiatus from running. I am back to nearly 260 POUNDS! Do you know how that looks on a five foot six frame??? It's not pretty, I tell ya!

I didn't want to post anything until I had at least a months worth of daily runs on the calendar. So here's a bit of what's been going on:

As you know, holidays can be hell when trying to do something healthy. There's food EVERYWHERE! So I'm fairly certain I gained some 10 pounds of fluff between Thanksgiving and Christmas. No matter.

I attempted several times last year to get my streak going again. My best go at it was in August with a whole 18 days of running. Then . . . I can't tell you what happened. I must have made some sort of excuse to not continue on. Probably plantar fasciitis looking back at my mileage. Way too much too soon there. After that, I had a week or two every month of runs. Not pretty.

But leading up to December, I made a plan. And it was a (key word) SENSIBLE plan. I was going to begin running like I was a n00b. I know myself and what I'm capable of . . . realistically. I signed up for the Jingle Bell Run in Pacific Grove. It was a 5K event that I knew I'd be able to complete. It's only three miles. I can walk it if I need to. Plenty of walkers in that run. I was fine with that. I didn't want to walk, but I knew I would if I was dying.

I didn't die.

My official time for that run was 37:13. I forgot to shut off my watch for a couple of minutes and my watch showed 39:58. I was getting blood back into my brain. I was slow as fuck, but I didn't stop (only to pick up the Christmas tree that had fallen over at our turn-around point.

I took my godson. He's 14 and doesn't do SHIT but play on his XBox all fucking day and he finished in about 24 minutes . . . asshole.

Anyway . . . I got back on the Mile A Day (MAD) wagon. When I go for my run this evening, I'll be on MAD 33. I'll try to update my DailyMile log with all my runs so far and attempt to keep track of the runs there too. I already have them tracked by my TomTom Runner watch and app, as well as the Nike Run app on my iPhone 5S. I love that I can upload my runs through bluetooth from my watch to phone.

One thing that I've been doing as well is including walks. I'm still walking about a mile, so technically the Mile A Day still applies. I'm doing a couple of walks a week. But they're not easy. There's a trail where I work that has a tortuous climb. I hate it when I'm running, but love it as a walk. It really works those hip flexors! And with all the rains we're gonna be getting, we'll begin seeing all those funky mushrooms we haven't seen in a while. I've already found some Witches Butter and fresh Hairy Curtain Crust.

I've gotta figure out how to link my Instagram on here.

I started with a mile. Right now, I'm up to a mile and a half. Sometime this week (next week?) I've got to kick it up to two miles. So far, this slow increase has really helped in preventing any foot injury funkiness.

AND I'm having fun doing it!

Isn't that what this whole running thing is supposed to be about?


i got to buy new running shoes. i'm now sporting the vibram fivefingers bikila evo's!

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