Friday, February 18, 2005


Well, as you can see, I've changed the look of my blog. Not that many people will notice because I think I'm the only one that actually looks at this blog. But, as I've said before, this is not a useless cause. For me this blog is a practice into getting into my own feelings and emotions and learning to express them.

HA!! Sorry that was a little funny. Some people already question my sexuality. Even my family at times.

If you were to look at me now and interact with me, you would see a normal heterosexual male. I'm not disrespectful to women and I'm not a dog. Like everyone else, I have a select group of friends. I get along great with everyone. But if you get to know me, you can understand why some of my friends/family questioning my choices. I for instance have had ONE past relationship with a female. It went on for about a year. But we never went very far physically. Just kissing, hugging and a little touchy-touchy. You know, under the sweater over the bra sort of thing. Another thing, this relationship occurred over ten years ago.

As I was growing up, my life was a little skewed. I know this is going to sound like an Oprah/Springer show, but I had a mother who decided to hand me off to my fathers' wife. My mother must have been about 19. I was born when she was 15. My father was a year older. My parents didn't stay together very long after. But my father was a responsible father. He took care of his business. He later married when he was 20. Not long after my mother gave me to him and his wife. My fathers's wife has since become my real mother. I've had very little interaction with my birth mother.

There is still much to this bio that I'm not feeling very up to typing up at this moment. But, you will be seeing more about it. You will understand why some people think certain things about me and still not understand.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not wanting people to think I'm a sob case. Far from it. Because of the life I've lead and the things I've seen, I know my life has been excellent. Just as in movies they say there is always someone stronger, the opposite is true as well. There is always someone worse off than you.


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