Tuesday, January 03, 2012

My New Year celebration!

Let me start out by saying that I had something else completely in mind for the evenings' festivities.  What was on the planner was to help out my mom at the restaurant for a bit then head out to my friends home for some dinner and drinks then head out with him, his fiancee and some of their friends and imbibe, drink and just plain party at Moe's Alley in Santa Cruz . . .

None of which happened. At least the evening part.

I started out the day waking up at 9am.  Made breakfast of potatos, eggs and Leggo's.  Had a whole carafe of Santa Cruz Dark coffee.  Chugged back a couple of liters of water while watching Bones (Netflix).  Pissed like a racehorse for a while then headed out to the restaurant.  I wasn't really needed.  I stuck around for a bit, then headed home . . .

I really wasn't feeling the whole partying thing at all.  For the last decade, I've made it a point to get shit-faced every New Years Eve into New Years Day and pretty much forget all that happened between.  Woken up to some beer-goggle induced female companions (not that it wasn't fun) and plenty of spewed upon front lawns.  So along with my healthier outlook on things, I decided not to get as shit-faced as possible.

After leaving the restaurant, I headed home and went looking for something to watch on DVD.  Looking through my collection, I was trying to decide what I could watch for the rest of the day.  I didn't want to watch anything on Netflix.  I wanted something epic!

Star Wars collection?  It's epic, but I wasn't feeling it.

Godfather? Epic, but not long enough.

Oh!  I know . . . The Lord Of The Rings: Extended Editions!

Eleven glorious hours and 24 unbelievable minutes of hobbit, human, elf, wizard, orc, Uruk-hai, troll, goblin, Shelob, Giant Eye interaction!  Forgive me if I forgot something in there.

After picking those up, I headed over to BevMo! and picked up a couple of 6 packs of Arrogant Bastard Oaked Ale.  God that stuff is SOOOOOO GOOOOOD!  I then headed off to The Pizza Factory and ordered an Extra Large pepperoni and mushroom pizza.  I got to my hangout.  My cousin's gone, the daughter's with her and I have her place to myself.  She's has a recently purchased 42 inch magic Panasonic TV.  It's one of those smart tv's that have computer-like abilities.  That's how I watch Netflix without a pc, Roku or other external device.  But I still need some sort of DVD player to watch my LOTR trilogy.  In this case my 360, which I have a remote for cause of the now obsolete HD-DVD drive.

I got a plate popped open and poured myself a glass of ABOA and started my LOTR marathon.

I went through three beers, half the pizza, a couple of shots of Corralejo Reposado tequila, some Baileys (neat) and most of the movies up until The Return Of The King.  I got through the first disc and no further.  I couldn't keep my eyes open any more.  Shut everything off.  Chugged a gallon of water and crashed.

I woke up several times that night to relieve myself and drink still MORE water.  I have no idea when I crashed out, but it definitely was after midnight and before 2am.  I finally got up for the day at 8am.  I couldn't sleep any more.  Made myself another pot of coffee, had a small potato, a couple of eggs and a couple of slices of bacon for breakfast.  I watched the news for a bit then went out for my New Years day run.  Three miles.

I got back, showered, shaved and dressed and visited friends and family.  I woke most everyone I visited.  I went home, had an early dinner there with my family and went back to the hangout.

I was feeling really good still, so out the door I went with my running gear.  I got to the trailhead around 5:30 and heavily debated taking my Knuckle-lights and decided to opt out.  I thought I'd have enough light to finish the run.  I just about made it back in time before my eyes couldn't see anything at all.  It was frackin' dark the last quarter mile and really had to rely on my feet to tell me not to kill myself.  I wish I'd brought those lights.

SIX MILES FOR THE DAY!!!  Woo Hoo!  And I wasn't even beat up like I usually am after that much distance.  I'm gonna have to do something similar again soon!


too lazy. run smiley :)

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How'd I offend THIS time?