Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Not many options . . .

Sometimes when you believe your locomotive is gaining momentum, and a wild-ass mountain appears and you slam right into it.

That's pretty much the gist of the shit that's been happening lately.  As with strip-clubs, it's been an exercise in frustration. You can only control what's in your power to control. I've had no control of the crap I'm dealing with. You're not allowed to quit family, and I love work . . . most of the time.

Usually the way I deal with major issues is look for the positive and roll with the punches. I've been doing that for years and it works.

But for some reason, I haven't been able to deal with it psychologically, lately. The funny thing is, there is no major issue! But a ton of smaller issues (a TON) have come together and metamorphosed into some huge  . . . THING . . . and has come to bear ALL of it's collective mass at once!

And I've not had time for ANY of my usual outlets!

Crossfit? Nope. By the time I'm free, class has LONG let out.

Running? Maybe, but I've been needing some positive attitude around me to get me out of my funk.

I know the running excuse sounds excruciatingly lame, but the funk is so HEAVY that I can't psyche myself up enough for a night run!

I don't care how late it is tonight when I get free, I'll be going for a run. Maybe I can run some of these problems away . . .


too fed up to check. run smiley :)  for me!


  1. Sometimes I kill my funk by going out without the watch, without any set distance in mind, and without keeping track of the length of my run. Just go out and run at a comfortable speed and enjoy it. Then don't bother checking how far you've gone. Works for me.

    1. I wish I could'a done that last night, but I didn't even get home until around 9 or 10. I was just so exhausted after the crappy day, I crashed out. I woke up starving, but kept it light. Eggs, lentils, tomatoes. Tasty!

      But will definitely will be going your route next time. Just go out and RUN!


How'd I offend THIS time?