Monday, March 12, 2012

Crossfit Ranch: Day 6

Man! Only day 6! I've gotta hit the "ranch" more often!

Tonight was truly a friggin workover.  My windpipe is raw from trying to catch my breath. And the worst part is that I didn't find out how much time it took me to complete the workover! I'll have to see what the coach wrote down on Wednesday.

The warmup were pass-throughs (pvc bar to help loosen up the shoulders), lacross ball to loosen any knots in the shoulder blades and begin working with double-unders. I can't do double-unders to save my life. It's gonna take a lot of work to get the double-unders figured out.

The workover consisted of rowing, medicine ball cleans, kettlebell swings and double-unders (doubled jump rope to make up for the double-unders). Sounds easy right? Nope.

Workover -
300 Meter row
30 / 20 / 10 (30 reps each, 20 reps each, 10 reps each) of:
Medicine ball cleans
Kettlebell swings
End with 600 meter row

I was done after the first set of medicine ball cleans. Everything after that was a blur of pain and exhaustion. It was so easy to want to cheat, but I'd only be cheating myself. I cut each rep into sets of five except for the jump rope. I'd do half of those before attempting to catch my breath. At least until the last set of 10 (doubled to 20).

The 600 meter row started out ok, until I hit the 50 meter mark. My forearms were already numb and trying to keep a grip on the row handle was getting difficult. Add on top of that trying to breath . . . UGH! I just closed my eyes and worked! I did the last row in 2 minutes, 43 seconds.



exhausted. something about grammar. run smiley :)

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