Monday, June 25, 2012

22 days into 30 day running challenge

So I'm looking at my calendar this morning and I notice that Day 30 ends on July 3rd and I've been wondering what I'm going to do.

I think I'm going to continue . . . kinda. What I mean is that I miss lifting mass. I was noticing improvement when I was doing Crossfit and I'd really love to incorporate that into my running again.  Do CF one day and run the next. That could be my next 30 day challenge. Or just a lifestyle change.

I was expecting to hurt a lot more than I am.  As a matter of fact, I believe I'm hurting less than if I'd gone full out with the recommended training of one day on, one day off.  Of course, the training also recommends doing SOME cross-training on those OFF days and increasing mileage on the ON days.

My gauge of improvement is how well I'm doing on those hills at Manzanita Park.  How far up can I go before I have to stop and walk. They're bitchin', killer hills with a sand pit right before most of 'em. The hills here in Prunedale are sandy because they used to be under water eons ago.  Prunedale's at about 100 feet in elevation and Manzanita Park is about 200 feet. It's not that high up from sea level. There are certain parts here in Prunedale where you can just see the ocean between hills, so we're not that far from it. If one goes digging through around here, you can still find seashells. Pretty cool.

So . . . anyway . . . for the morning of the 4th of July, I'll be beginning Crossfit once again.  I believe the inaugural CF workout will be Fran.  I wanna see if I can improve on my time.  I don't know what it is off the top of my head but it was over 15 minutes. Hopefully I've made some improvement in stamina.

I've run a bit over 55 miles so far.  I was hoping to get near 100, but it doesn't look that way. If I continue with what I've been posting up, I'll have added another 20 miles by the end of this week. So by day 30 I could be close to 90 miles. I'd like to break 100, but that means really pushing myself and cranking up the daily miles. I'd have to average 5 miles a day . . . oof. Maybe do the 4 during the week and do longer weekend runs. We'll see.


too lazy to check. run smiley :)

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