Thursday, June 07, 2012

Not dead. On hiatus.

I was on a 10 day exercise hiatus.  Crap too deep to get into, but . . . I'M BACK!

I began on Monday with my usual under 3-miler at the Toro Estates.  I NEEDED to get out there.  I'd been needing to get out and do something for the last couple of weeks and I finally went.  I felt ok.

The next day (Tuesday) I was checking out the blog-roll and Trisha Reeves of [barefoot] Monologues had this posting about a running challenge being done by a friend of hers who was first inspired by a challenge proposed by Jason Robillard of Barefoot Running University.  Sorry about all the links but I figured someone might want to know if I'm making this shit up.

ANYWAY . . .

The challenge was to run AT LEAST one mile every day for 30 days . . . or longer. Trisha's friend was just about to reach 120 days straight. She says it's helped him get strong enough to complete an Ultra with very few runs longer than 10 miles! When I read the that, I was dumbfounded.  I was like, "CRAP! That sounds reasonable! Running 30 days straight shouldn't sound reasonable!"

But if you ONLY have to run AT LEAST 1 mile a day . . . that's reasonable.  Everyone has AT LEAST 15 minutes of time to kill (p.s. I don't run 15 minute miles . . . just sayin').

So far, I've stuck with my regular trail run of 2.68 miles since Monday.  That's a tad over 8 miles over the last three days.  Tonight will be my 4th day of the challenge and I'm not hurting.  The legs have been tad stiff after Monday's run, but I think that was because of the unintended hiatus (I was a total potato).

The only problem I see is how I'm going to incorporate some Crossfit workovers into this. Right now, my plan is to run 5 to 6 miles on both Saturday and Sunday. I'm thinking run in the morning and do a good workover in the evening.  But I want to do some workovers during the week, too.

I think I may have to finally turn into one of those annoying morning people and get up at the ungodly hour of 6am for a run . . . ugh.


too lazy to check. run smiley :)

1 comment:

  1. That'd be worth a shot for me at some point. Right now I like my two-a-weekers, but I could see this being pretty helpful in building up the legs.


How'd I offend THIS time?