Monday, June 06, 2011

My latest update and what I've learned on my recent run . . .

Just a quick heads up.  On the last post I had said my brother was wanted to ride back on the meatwagon.  True, but he did finish the race and got his medal.  Right now, it's one of his most prized possessions.  And his eight mile runs are with his beat up Sauconys.  But he's running with good barefoot-syle form (quick short steps with center-of-gravity-over-foot-landing).

I've been keeping up with my runs fairly well.  I've not completed less than three miles for the last two weeks per run and I'm running at least three times a week (four days last week).

I went for a run yesterday later in the day and I found out what not to do before a run (boy, did I find out).

My brother wanted to join me, but he obviously went off at a faster run.  He was also going to begin using his Merrells again (half-marathon-disaster-shoes).  He made a huge point to himself to bring his other shoes as well so he'd run three miles in the Merrells and three in his Sauconys.  He doesn't want to go through the SCHM experience again.

I myself wasn't feeling too well.  I figured once I began the run, the nausea would go away.  It didn't, it got worse.  Two miles into the run, I had to stop because I was gonna heave.  I probably should have but forced myself to hold it.  I walked a couple of minutes and tried again.  I got maybe a mile before having to stop.  I pretty much kept that cycle going until I got to the car.

Once I stopped, I was ok.  I went to my cousins house to give my godson his birthday present and I watched him play frustratingly (Portal 2, online with a friend.  Neither had ever played).  I guess that was enough to cause the nausea again.  I had to lie down and breath slowly to relax.  I eventually split went home and went to sleep early (11pm.  I usually crash sometime before 1am).

After the run yesterday and all this morning, I've been banging my head trying to figure out what went wrong.  I'd had some pizza and beer the night before the run, but not enough to have caused the problem.  Breakfast consisted of eggs, cheese, tomatoes and corn tortillas with coffee (more like lunch.  I woke up real late).  I wasn't hungry when I went for the run and after the run I had some leftover chinese food (white rice, beef-broccoli, SSPork).

What I figured out though is that I think the coffee killed me.  I love my coffee STRONG.  I don't drink it with anything in it, just black.  I have a 4 cup french press that I usually share with my brother (he loads his with crap).  That day he didn't want any coffee, so I finished the whole carafe myself.  Did I mention I like my coffee STRONG.

Yeah, I think that did it.  It upset my stomach enough to cause the nausea.  Next time I'm stickin' to my 2 cups and no more.

I have to run today to make up for yesterdays dismal performance.  I'm hoping to do the 45 second fartleks today.  I'm feeling ok right now and I don't expect to do too bad.  I should be able to do six miles today.

My legs feel good and so do my legs.  Groovy.

VFF Speed

The above link is one of the sites I visit regularly.  It's to a contest they had but is now over.  I posted the link because of the VFF Speeds they were giving away.

I really want the black ones.  Photo credit goes to  I've already pre-ordered my from my local family owned shoe store.  They're expecting them in July.  Can't wait!!!!

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