Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I didn't run much the last week.  I think my last run for the previous week was last Wedneday.  I didn't even go this weekend.

I've had this nagging ache along my leg.  Like a thin section of my calf, hamstring and glute.  I think it's all tied to the PF of my right foot.  So I decided to begin concentrating on trying to fix it.

A while back I bought a foot massager and sprint stick.  The foot massager is a therapy device called the Foot Log.  It was supposed to assist in fixing Plantar Fasciitis and other foot issues.

It's a great little tool.  I think it works a bit better than a frozen can of peas, though having a cold can on your foot can feel good when it aches!

The other item is something I refer to as a sprint stick.  But the one I have is by Pro-Tec Athletics and they call it a Roller Massager.

That's not me by the way.  I'm not there yet.  But that is the stick I use and it feels GREAT!  That think will work out knots like you wouldn't believe.  I still have one knot in my calf it still hasn't been able to get rid of completely, but it has helped reduce it.  I should ice after, but I never do and I think that may be contributing to the long rehab.

It's pretty much a wooden dowel with a plastic floating tube with foam to allow it to roll freely.  The grips are cushioned to allow "trigger point release".  Trust me, it works great!

I still have a bit of a twinge and I think what I need to get is a foam roller next.  One of those body rollers.  I'd post a pic of one but there are a ton of them and I'm not sure what kind to get yet.  And they have a wide range of prices.  I may just make something out of pvc, foam and duct tape.  I may have some laying around at work somewhere, too.

Anyway . . . so get back on the trail Monday.  After four days of nothing, I was itchin' to go.  Unfortunately I started out too fast and in the last mile back, I was almost gassed out.  But I was able to push through and finish strong enough.  I ended up finishing in better time than I have in a long time, which would have been weird if I hadn't taken all that time off.  After the run, my leg started up again and when I got home I got to work on it with the tools.  It helped and I was able to sleep comfortably that night.

Yesterday I went for a run again and my knee began buggin' me, but it went away after my half mile warmup.  I walked for a minute and began the stronger run.  I made it out to the parking lot with only one stop in between.  Pretty good, I thought.  Usually on the way back, I have a problem keeping up the same pace, but I had focused on keeping it steady and somewhat effortless.  I was breathing a little hard, but was able to catch my breath fairly easily at each of the two one minutes walks I usually make.  I cut my time even further than yesterday.

I hope I can keep this up.  Even with the nagging, I'm still enjoying the running.  I'll be taking care of the daughter in a couple more months.  And I'm kinda excited about it!

I'm usually out by the Toro park area for my run and so I told my cousin that I could pick up my godson from his pee-wee football practice when I'm done.  I get to walk a bit and stretch out the legs before he's finished.  My cousin was running late because she was at church with the daughter.

The daughter is starting catechism again for her confirmation and she and her mom had an orientation meeting regarding that last night.  She was asked to find a sponsor she can trust.  She asked me!  I was dumbfounded.  It took me by surprise and I probably didn't express my feelings about it well and may have left her a bit disappointed by my reaction.  I'm going to remedy that tonight.  It's been on my mind all day and I really am excited and happy that she chose me.

I'm not quite sure what the sponsor is obligated to do, but whatever I can do to make sure that girl becomes a better, stronger person . . . I'm there for her.


run smiley and no, too lazy to check . . .

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