Friday, September 02, 2011

I'm not really competitive! I swear!

Yesterday afternoon, during lunch, I had a ton of coffee. I was wired throughout the rest of the day. I needed to burn off the buzz so I went for a run.

My aspiring firefighter cousin has been needing to get back in shape for a while now and had asked if he could join me.  I don't like running with him because he likes being the "coach" and annoys the crap outta me when he tries to push me to keep going if/when I stop for a breather.  He's always been the meat-head, you know?  Even though he's hellishly sharp!  You don't pass the California Firefighter exams by being fit but dumb as a rock.  He busted his ass for that accomplishment and he may be working with North County Fire soon as a volunteer.

Anyway . . . back to what happened yesterday:

Yesterday was the first time EVER that he could not keep up. He's always been able to push passed pain and exhaustion.  He started out good, then fell behind. He'd catch up when I'd stop for a minute.  He likes working out with others.  He needs the motivation he gets from other like minded meat-heads.  You know the type, the guy that is spotting you calling you a pussy because you can't get that last rep up.

Since he likes to get "motivated" by someone pushing him I told him, "I don't need to say anything.  Just that THIS fat boy is in FRONT of you".

I KNOW that caught in his craw! I've never been able to keep the kind of pace he has for himself.  I want to call myself a runner, but I'm not there yet.  I recently found out I have some weird deformed kind of competitive nature about myself.  I want to make sure he never catches up.  But in my mind, I'm not competing against him.

I'm competing against my self.


to lazy to ckeck garmmar 

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How'd I offend THIS time?