Saturday, February 18, 2012

Fundamentals III: Day after feelings

Last night was the last of the Fundamentals class for the Crossfit class.  So, now it's up to me if I want to join up . . .

This last class was a lot more relaxed compare to that first two.  The first two involved pushing you way past your comfort zone and proper technique.  This last class involved safety and technique.  Primarily because we'd be dealing with MASS.  Namely barbells and barbells with different sized weighted plates.  The coach really wanted to emphasize technique.  Nobody wants to get injured and by knowing how to lift that kind of mass, you'll "enjoy" a better workout.

Oh, and do you remember the girl that was taking the first class with me on Monday.  Well, I've gotta apologize to her.  She didn't flake.  She went in the next night to take the second class because she had school Wednesday night.  How do I know that?  She took the third class with me last night.  She too was suffering burnt legs.  But we were both busting ass with the mass!

Anyway . . .

So what did we focus on.  Well, we started with Dead-lifts. A fairly simple exercise that I liked.  It really felt good in the glutes, stretched them out.  Then we did the Front-Barbell-Squat.  That one hurt.  I had a 45 lb bar and having to squat with burnt legs, not fun.  It hurt, but I was able to do it.  Then the coach had us do it with more mass.  I had to add another 30 lbs to the bar, oof.  But again, I did several.  Next was the Overhead-Squat.  This was pretty difficult.  The coach had me start with the 45 lb bar to finesse technique, then moved me over to the 75 lbs.  This one was hard. But not as hard as the next one.

The Clean And Jerk (and some variation of it).
The Clean and jerk was difficult.  But then he put some variation to it I can't recall the name of.  It involved starting with the clean and jerk, and then shouldering the bar going to a full squat and powering back up to an Overhead-Press.  FUCK!  That was fucking excruciating (I apologize for any sensibilities I may have offended with the previous statement, but FUCK!)

Once passed the clean and jerk, I let doubt cloud my confidence because how much it hurt to go that deep with the squat.  But then dropping to the full squat after the clean and jerk and powering through the pain to the Overhead-Press was the real painful part.  I think I only accomplished that last one because the pain made me push through to the Overhead-Press.

I don't know why, but I'm really looking forward to next week.  I must have a some masochistic streak in me or something.

I'm going for a run tomorrow morning, hopefully I can work out the soreness with it.  I'm really looking forward to stretching out my legs after almost two weeks of no running.

And I can't wait for Monday.  The Crossfit experience will be an adventure!


too lazy to check, run smiley :)

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