Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What the hell did I get myself into?!

So . . . .
I hurt.
My legs still feel wobbly.

Not as bad as last night though after the work-over.  Let me explain why I use "workover" instead of "work-out".  I while back I started reading this running blog of a barefoot queen.  Her blog is called Running Naked On Sharp Pointy Stuff. She is smokin' hot and a badass ultra-runner.  I don't think she's broken the 100 milers yet, but she's running 50k's.  She doesn't run those ultras barefoot, though.  I believe she's running in Merrell Trail Gloves.  Her topics are crazy diverse and funny.  And they do get you thinking at times.

She's has a trainer who has helped her improve her running and general strength.  But she calls the work-outs, workovers.  It's what I'll be doing until the Santa Cruz Half Marathon coming April 1st.

From her blog:High Intensity Intervals. I do high intensity interval training. These would be my workovers above that say "rounds of:" as part of the description or most of my running or cycling. These circuit exercises are short in duration (between 5 and 20 minutes) and usually involve more than one repetitive movement, (unless I'm doing running intervals). If you're around me while I'm doing any sort of high intensity interval training you will hear lots of inappropriate expletives escaping under my breath. And trust me. I will be breathing hard. These workovers usually have me teetering on the edge of passing out. Apparently, even though this type of interval training generally tends to be short in duration it increases your metabolism rate and burns calories even after you've finished your workover. Which makes it a perfectly efficient late-night-I-don't-have-much-time-to-do-a-workout-workover. These workovers tend to leave me feeling... well... "worked over" and sometimes I'm sore for days.
 The bolding at the end is mine to illustrate the point of what I'm feeling right now.  I posted what we went through on my Dailymile, but I figure I'll describe what we did.

When I walked in, I was given a waiver to sign.  It was along the lines of "if you die, it was YOUR fault".  Not really, it what I feel every time I sign a waiver.  But in this case, it was actually pretty close.  There was only myself and a cute girl (Janet) taking the Fundamentals class.  She'd come in once before and hadn't completed the requisite 3 classes.  Jesse was our trainer for the night.  He started by letting us know that we were to do our warmups before starting any of the workovers.  The warmups were to primarily loosen all the joints and "open up" our shoulders and hips. 

We used a 4' pvc tube for the shoulders.  We'd hold it comfortably wide, elbows locked and pull it from in front of our hips, over our head and behind our hips.  It felt pretty good!  Then we'd twist the bar around ourselves, again with our elbows locked.  Start in front of our hips, swing one arm over our head (elbows locked), end behind our back and swing other arm to complete the motion back to the front.  Then we did some leg-swings side-to-side and front-to-back.

He showed us how to do a proper squats (regular and front?) and we did several of those to make sure form was good.  Next he showed us how to do a kettlebell swing.  I've always done kettlebell swings by ending at shoulder height.  He showed us to end directly above our head, body rod-straight.  Next he showed us how to do slam-balls.  He gave me a 20lbs slam-ball.  Kinda awkward to hold when you're tired.

By the time we were done with the lesson, it was time for our workover (he called it a workout).  We were to do 21/15/9's.

It involved doing the following as fast as possible:
21 Air Squats
21 Kettlebell Swings
21 Slamballs
Run 100 yards
15 Air Squats
15 Kettlebell Swings
15 Slamballs
Run 100 yards
9 Air Squats
9 Kettlebell Swings
9 Slamballs
Run 100 yards at the end yell time.

My legs were wobbly even before we started the workover from the lessons and warmups.  After the 21's I could barely run.  My form was incredibly OFF.  I could barely keep my head up.  That was really bad.  I was trying to run, but my legs were so numb and my heart was pounding and I was fighting to catch my breath.

Janet was doing better than I was.  She'd already started the squats for the 15's by the time I got back from the run.  She was out the door by the time I had finished my slamballs.  But when I got back she was struggling with the squats.  She stopped several times during the 9's so that I was our the door before her.  Trust me, I was not competing against her.  I needed to get this pain over with!

Jesse was pushing us both, but here's the funny thing.  His trying to push us, didn't work for me.  He was behind us both urging us on.  At one point during the 9's, he snickered.  I don't know why, but THAT worked!  I finished at 10:22.  Jesse said to go lay down and spread my lungs.  Fuck that.  I've tried that before and I always feel worse.  I just kept walking around, head up trying to catch my breath.  Janet came in at 11:41.  She said she was going to puke . . . she didn't.

I haven't felt that worked over since high school.  It was horrible, and exhilarating. I can't explain it.  Somehow I've got to go back on Wednesday and complete the second Fundamentals class.  Let's see how that goes.

too much in pain to check.  try to run smiley :)

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