Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Dear Diary . . .

 . . . not really.

Anyway, so I went for the run last night.  Ooof, was it hard.  I guess I didn't fuel up well or this weekend was just too long.

For some reason my left ankle hurts like a moe foe.  And only when make a turn to the right.  It hurts above the inside ankle joint, directly under that protruding part of the ankle.  It doesn't feel like a bone injury.  More like a tendon or a muscle . . . I don't know.  As long as I go relaxed and exert no force with that foot, it doesn't bother me much.  I mean I can apply pressure to it, it's just limited to certain movements that hurt.  Weird.

I did my usual 4 minute warm-up run, walked a minute and began the run.  Because of the unevenness of the trail, I've had to use the metronome.  If I don't, I find myself stepping too fast or too slow.  A lot of ups and downs.  I can almost run without it, but I need to get more comfortable with the trail.

As I was running though, I came up all ninja-like upon two ladies yammering it up, walking up the trail.  I didn't mean to sneak up on them, but when I did get to them I did the courtesy "on-your-left" call.  One said "OH!" which made the other lady turn around and exclaim as well then she saw me and let out one hell of a scream which made the first lady scream just as loud.  Nearly blew my ears out.  As I was passing by I apologized, but I don't think they heard me, they were laughing so hard.  They were explaining to each other why they screamed.  Funniest shit ever.


too lazy to check.  run smiley :)

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