Friday, October 14, 2011

TPHM run was etter

The Toro Park Howling Windmill run was kinda relaxing . . . in a I'm gonna die, but that's ok kind of way.  It being a slight, steady incline to the HW is a bitch-and-a-half!  But I was able to make it with only one stop there.  Kind of a big accomplishment for me..

I'm still not doing it in the time I'd like, but I guess that'll come with time and dedication.  Back when I was running in my clunky Saucony Progrid Omni 8's, I was running the trail in a faster time . . . but I was also in excruciating pain afterwards. Real bad shin splints that I was never able to fix.  No amount of exercises and or wraps helped . . . ever.

Building up to this practice of barefoot form has helped in making running enjoyable and something to look forward to.  I used to go farther in the clunkers.  But I'd be paying for it after with the shin splints.  I've mentioned it in an older previous post about the process I went through before I stayed with the Saucony's.  The running store I went to is a GREAT STORE (Fleet Feet Monterey).  I must've gone back about five times in a month trying to get fitted properly until I just said screw it and stuck with my last choice because they did help alleviate a bit of pain, not much but enough to continue my training for my first half-marathon.

In the last couple of month, I think they've begun getting on board about minimalist/barefoot form.  They had a guest speaker who was a former professional athlete and chiropractor who had an epiphany once.  Dr. Waddell had some really knarley feet, let me tell ya.  But he showed us some older picture of his feet and they were much worse!  He's been barefooting (truly barefoot) for a couple of years and in that time, his multiple foot issues have slowly minimized if not gone away.  Pretty remarkable coming from someone who should've known this from the get-go considering he's a chiropractor.  But that's only because of the way he was taught, and he also drank the shoe industries kool-aid.  I did notice that he did take longer steps than was recommended and being the nosy jerk that I am . . .

I spoke with him briefly and I mentioned some things that might help him improve even faster.  I know I've mentioned the metronome (set at 180 bpm) here on my blog, but there's also the jump rope exercises that help with your tempo as well.  I took that tip from the Pose people when I first began this adventure.  I've recently seen it mentioned in either BRU, MGBG or even the Runner's World Barefoot forum.  It's the whole idea of getting you used to lifting your feet as soon as you put them down.  The more you use your muscles and tendons efficiently, the easier running is supposed to be.  Quick, short steps as opposed to long loping strides.  The long strides may cause more injuries because of a bunch of . . . I don't know. I don't wanna start talking outta my ass without thinking about this more.  There's a bunch of info on the interwebs that can give you all the proper data.

Anyway, he did take say that he remembered reading about that and that he has done his best to take the quick steps.  And his pace wasn't too far off, but I don't know what he thought of this fat bastard trying to teach him how to run.


too lazy to check and run smiley :)

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