Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Runnin' in the park

It's been a while since my last post.  If anyone cares, I'm sorry.

Anyway . . .

In the last week I've logged in about 4 days of running.  Nothing during the weekend.  I'm so ashamed . . .

Last Tuesday and Wednesday I ran the usual Toro Park Estates route for a bit over 5 miles.  Then nothing.  I had planned to run Saturday morning, but I just could get up.  The change in weather really screwed me up.  It went from nice, warm and dry to muggy . . . blegh. 

Thursday involved going to watch the Salinas High Cowboys Frosh football game against the Hollister Haybalers.  The daughter cheered and the boys beat the 'Balers.  It was a pretty good game!

Friday night again was another football night in which the daughter had to be there to support her cheer-mates in JV and Varsity.  JV beat the 'Balers, Varsity . . . not so much.  Considering the size of Hollister, the pool of kids to choose from should have made this a win for the Cowboys.  But that's just me sayin'.

There was a bit of drama in the ranks of the frosh Cowboys cheer squad, also.  Apparently one of the young ladies had a sleep-over for all the frosh cheerleaders.  Of the sixteen young ladies who were invited, ten went.  The young lady who invited the squad had some beef with another classmate and she asked her squad to participate in some vandalism which involved some toilet paper in trees and such. 

The main conspirator and one other took things a bit too far, though.  Of what the details are, I'm not too sure.  I've heard it involved a very nasty note to the mother of the beefee and maybe some condoms and feminine napkins, possibly used.

To make matters even more interesting, there were parents involved in transportation of the delinquents to said home!  They're having charges brought against them.

Of the participants in the squad, the main two are getting kicked off the cheer team and will not be able to participate in any team sports for two years.  The others have been suspended from any extra-curricular activities, including cheering, for two weeks.

The daughter, thankfully, was not involved in the vandalism.  Her mother is very strict and she obviously wants to keep her kids on the straight and narrow.  The daughter let sink in what might've happened had she been allowed to go to the sleep-over.

But even though she was in no way involved, she and the other cheerleaders have all been harrassed at school.  There was a 5th Quarter dance after the game on Friday, but what was left of the frosh cheer squad was warned against going by the cheer coaches because of implied threats from the young lady her friends who had been victimized by the delinquent cheerleaders.

Ok . . . that's enough of the gossip portion.

Monday and yesterday I changed up the running routine.  I decided to have another crack at my old running trail inside Toro Park.  I usually start at the gates and run all the way to the Howling Windmill.  After mapping it out, it almost the same distance as the Toro Estates run if not a tad short of it.

Monday, it was really muggy.  When I got to the trail at about 6pm, there was a bit of mist.  Halfway to the HW, it begain to drizzle.  By the time I got to the HW, it turned into light rain.  I was struggling horribly to run it completely.  I stopped twice up to the HW and once more on the way back for no more than about a minute each stop.



But for some godforsaken reason, I really enjoyed the shit out of it!  I still don't get it.  I went again yesterday and it was just muggy, and really fucken difficult.  But again, I got a real kick out of it!  I guess I'm turning into a bit of a masochist.

Ladies, I need a dom in my life  >:D

Run smiley friends!


 didn't check.  too lazy.

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