Monday, October 24, 2011

'Nuther no-run-weekend . . .

Whelp, I did it again.  Or more like I didn't again.  I had planned to go running Yesterday morning on a 5-miler, but didn't.  Too lazy in this case, too.

What did I do?  Glad you asked:  Saturday, my brother was the cook at my moms restaurant so that meant me getting there early to help my mom de-stress.  I was there til closing then went home.  I had wanted to go to Great America with my cuz and the kids, but I didn't get enough lead-time to ask someone to cover for me.

I may be able to do something about that this coming weekend, though.  Apparently Great America only has the Haunted Halloween attraction available from 7 to midnight, Friday thru Sunday.  My cuz had taken the kids Saturday morning thinking that they would be there all day and enjoy the park until closing.

They did.

Unfortunately, they close the park at 5:30 and re-open again at 7 for the Haunted Halloween portion of the night.  In other words if you wanna stay, you gotta pay.  Again.

How fucked up is that?!

In this case my cuz didn't put up much of a stink about it because she'd been up all night.  Her company will be heading out to Yuma next month and they're in preparations for the move.  She's been going in a 3am and staying for her 8 hours.  So she was pretty tired when she took the kids to the park.  She had tried to nap in the car, but it was a freakin' hot day!  So they left at the end of the day and she crashed out.

Sunday is FOOTBALL!  In our case, pee-wee football for my godson.  In short, they lost again.  Temperatures were high, so were the tempers.  A lot of kids were snapping under the heat and pressure.  One kid in particular was actually mouthing off to the ref, then his coach.  My guess is he'll be suspended from the next game.  A very entertaining day to say the least.

Yes.  I. Am. A. Jerk.  :)

Everybody likes a bit of drama.  Especially at the expense of little ones.  Why do we like scaring little kids during Halloween?  Cause it's fun!

Today after work I'll be heading out to the old Toro residential trail for a 4-miler.  I may try to push for the 5, but at the two mile marker it starts going uphill.  Steeply!  So coming back should be a bit easier.  It IS downhill.  I think I'll just do the 4 and attempt to run it with only a couple of stops.  No metronome since that seems to make it a bit easier right now.

Also I'll be following a tip I got from Tuck of Yelling Stop who in turn got the tip from Lee Saxby and will concentrate on pressing my big toe down on each step. 

Lee Saxby as you may or may not know is one of the preeminent gurus on Barefoot Form.  He trained as a Pose Coach with Nicholas Romanov, who developed Pose Running.  If you're not convinced about the validity of barefoot style running, try running on ice.  Mr. Romanov did it and looked badass!

Lee Saxby also seems to be the voice of VIVOBAREFOOT.  There are several videos available on their website on training.  GREAT VIDS!  Check'em out.  VIVOBAREFOOT has a developed a coaching program in which right now there seems to be some debate about whether it's really necessary seeing as how barefoot running is supposed to be natural and we should immediately do it correctly.  To quote John Pinnette, "I say nay, nay"!

I, for one, wish there was someone local who could have mentored and helped me transition quicker and less painfully than I did.  I'm not saying my form is perfect, but I believe I pretty much have it down.  But I guess that's a plus . . . ?  I stuck it out and continued stumbling until I wasn't stubbing my toes any more.  Not that I was stubbin' toes or anything . . . much.  I read as much as I could and took what advice was out there in the barefoot world and adapted it to what I needed.

I still haven't gone barefoot so I can't change my name yet to Barefoot GD.  Soon maybe, but not yet.


too lazy.  run smiley :)

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How'd I offend THIS time?